If you get through the selection process … you can purchase :
Our Medal engraved with your name and title + the French flag ribbon necklace
Our Pins
Our Official Certificate
Our Magnet
Our Table advertising
Our Golden restaurant plaque
One welcome post on Facebook and Instagram ( 250 000 followers )
Our embroidered logo to put on your vest
All shipping cost included
We will share the announcement on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, WeChat, LinkedIn, YouTube, WhatsApp and Messenger . That’s will be all together more than 250 000 views .
We offer the recognition and the network of our family.
Payment :
-Per Paypal :
-Or per Bank-transfer / Bank holder : Mr Grunenwald. Bank name : La Banque postale City of the Bank: Strasbourg France IBAN: FR92 2004 1010 1506 7470 2G03 663 BIC: PSSTFRPPSTR